Wednesday, 27 February 2008

Essential Seo Tips

Of course you can hire a company to promote your website for you and this pretty much guarantees results if you use a reputable company. If you plan on doing it yourself then there are some simple rules and tips that you can follow to increase your degree of success.

One thing that you should always do is to select all of the keywords that you are going to use very carefully and always use your main keyword in your domain name. This means that you should use your main keyword in the title twice if possible but it must be readable and natural looking.

Make sure that you have as many of your main keywords on your home page as possible but make sure that it all reads well. Keywords that are in bold letters work best. If your title isnt atractive looking then even if it apears prominently in the search engines, people will be reluctant to click to it.

You should also submit articles to article directories and this includes even the lower ranking websites. To avoid being placed in Googles sandbox it is recomendad that you submit no more than five articles a day. Another thing that you can do is to get a link to your home page from a website that has a higher ranking then you own.

Happy Blogging

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