Title should have between 10 to 65 characters including spaces. Use your primary keywords and phrases in your title.
Meta Description
Description should have between 60 to 165 charaters including spaces. It is the summary of your website. It display in google search results. You must also use your primary keyword and use a secondary keyword too in your meta description.
Meta Keywords
Keywords should have no more than 256 characters and separate the keywords or phrases using a comma. Use keyword research tool to find keywords.
Heading Tags
Use H1, H2, H3, H4, H5 and H6 tags. Try to include your main keyword in heading tag.
Bold and Italic Tags
Use bold, italic and Invered comma for your main keywords. Try to use bold for your primary keyword in the beginning and end of the content. Don’t over do it but use it properly.
Anchor text
Use keywords and phrases in anchor text.
Keyword Density
Keyword density should have up to 2 percent only. Try to use your main keyword once in first paragraph and in the last paragraph of your site content.
Alt code
Use alt code for your image. Always try to include your primary keyword on it.
Broken links
Check your broken links and fix them. Broken links negatively affect your website.
Use robots.txt file to allow and disallow pages or folders from search engine crawl.
Use html and xml sitemaps for your website. Xml sitemap helps search engines to find and index your web pages more quickly and html sitemap helps your readers to find out the content of your website.
Note: Also read Meta Tags and SEO Tools.
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