Thursday, 21 February 2013

Importance of PPT presentations and Infographics in Digital Marketing

What pleases your eyes pleases your mind. This concept is literally universal. Whether you talk about food, place, products or the digital market, the first sensation happens in your eyes before it impresses your mind.
As our world shifts online, so does our interest. Today, almost everything is sellable on internet. A good online marketing strategy is irremissible, but catering information with eye grabbing graphics and presentations add sugar to your cake. Our world today involves more and more data than ever before. This brings forth, the challenge of making this enormous sea of data pleasing and easy to understand to the readers or consumers. This is where infographics and eye-sticking presentations come in role.

What is an Infographic?

Infographics are perfect blend of knowledge, information and eye-catching design. These are visually compelling and a perfect mode to communicate voluminous data providing readers, ease of understanding. With the help of Infographics, you can take a pool of data and present it in visual shorthand. It is the best way to combine text with images and designs and make it interesting for readers.
What are Presentations?
PowerPoint presentations are another mode of visual representation of data. It offers slides, which can be used to narrate a story (about your product, brand or any sellable commodity). You can use varieties of graphics, charts, images, styles, videos and other tidbits to make your information more pleasing to readers.

Why is visual presentation of data necessary in Digital Marketing?
Attractive and Compelling
It is a fact that people prefer statistics and figures much more than a never-ending, time-consuming paragraph. In digital marketing, if your content is not attractive, your product will not reach people and to make your content attractive, Infographics and PPTs are key ingredients.

Easy to Scan and View
What will you prefer? A bulk of plain text or a cuddly graphic demonstrating what’s in that lengthy paragraph? Stating the obvious, no one have time to scan details out of a long pool of data. Therefore, it is best to use presentations and Infographics to demonstrate important information.

An eye-catching and easy-to-read content is more often shared on social networks
A content that has attractive graphics are shared more over social media websites. Therefore, Infographics and PPTs are important from business point of view.
Brand Awareness
Infographics and presentations with your company’s logo is a powerful mode to publicize your brand online.
Increase Traffic
An Infographic or presentation that is linked and is compelling to viewers is bound to drive traffic to your website as people like to click and share readable content to find what’s more in store.

Authored by Sarah Bruce. An SEO analyst, who predominantly works on removing Negative feedbackfrom websites, Do you face Online Complaintsabout your Business/Services? Do visit to get rid of it.

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Tips to Choose the Right Social Media Platform for Marketing

Social media is taking the world by storm.  Be it interaction on a day to day level, between friends and acquaintances or marketing strategies on a global platform, Social Media is an integral part of our every day existence.  Whether it is Twitter or Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn or Pinterest, social networking has made the world a closer and more interactive place to live in.  Enterprise social networks assist employees to work as a team over departments and across organisations.  In the business world, social networking offers more recognition of the business and hence a viable route to project ones business and enhance marketing techniques to a greater extent. 

How exactly does one decide on the right social media platform for marketing?  This needs to be tackled at the very outset.  Going overboard and using every social media platform available on the web is not the answer to this question.  By doing so, one will risk spreading the brand too wide and this will in fact be detrimental to the business.

Selecting the right platforms for marketing will need to actually take goals into account, learn more about your customers and assess social media activities.

-    Take goals into account – Whether it is long term or short term goals, it is goals that form the very basis of any marketing techniques.  What exactly are you trying to portray through social media networks?  What exactly does one want to encourage and draw attention to?  Are you in need of direct connection with clients and buyers or are you trying to lead them to a marketing shaft?  Is there an urgent need to increase traffic to the website in the long run so as to contribute to a long lasting relationship with customers and clients?  All these need to be taken into account while selecting an ideal social media platform for marketing.  To understand this further, if you want to reach out to a target market for a particular product, a video on YouTube would be advisable over just showcasing the product on Twitter.  Twitter will spread to awareness while YouTube will draw immediate attention to the actual product, showcasing its positive aspects in a clearer light.

-     Assess the target group – Is the target group professional?  If so, then LinkedIn would be an ideal social networking proposition for marketing.  If you are targeting a more consumer related audience for your consumer product, then Facebook will be considered to be a better option where your product can be liked, shared and advertised further.  This facility of sharing on a global platform will increase the reach of your marketing venture.  Continually updating the blog will also add to its effectiveness.  If your target audience is more of the visual kind and if your product is, for example, travel related, then Pinterest, where more focus is on photos and pictures would work as a prime advantage.

-   Weigh advantages and disadvantages of each social media platform – Every social media platform has its own set of merits and demerits which work in a positive or negative way where marketing is concerned.  Once you decide on a particular social media platform to project your business and products, one will need to continually assess performance.  It is not that once you decide on one platform one is stuck with it.  If that particular platform is not giving the desired results or if the reach is not upto mark, one can always switch to another platform where better benefits can be achieved.  Continually tracking performance, assessment of potential customers and achievement of desired goals need to be kept track of in order to succeed.  For successful marketing, one does not need to restrict oneself to just one social media platform.  One can even resort to two or three platforms depending on the type of business and demographic audience.

Finally, the decision to select the best of the platforms is the key to success.  It is the one way to jump start any business enterprise.  Continuous update, liasoning with customers, follow up on feedback and all this at a reasonable cost is what makes social media marketing stand out from among more traditional methods of marketing.

Andrea Walters, a freelance writer for – The Nation’s Lowest All-Digital Price Provider. dish tv packages

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Utilizing Tumblogging Without Utilizing Tumblr

Tumblr has asserted itself as one of the most popular and dynamic social media sites on the Internet. Even though it is technically a blogging platform, it blends some of the best features of social media with some of the best features of blogging. WordPress remains one of the dominant platforms on the Internet. Unlike Tumblr, however, WordPress hasn’t actually managed to make using the platform into such a distinctive activity that it has created its own gerund. Tumblogging, the term for adding content to Tumblr blogs, however, is coming to the WordPress platform.

How it Works

Tumblogging refers to the way people post content on Tumblr. The Tumblr platform is set up so that it’s very easy to use in terms of posting multimedia content and short blog posts. The platform is accessible from mobile devices and from standard desktop computers, which allows people to post content on the fly, as it is happening or to make more considered posts along the lines of what you might see on a typical blog.

On Tumblr, users are also able to repost content from other people’s blogs and to tag content. This makes finding content easy.

WordPress is famously easy to use, and the themes developed for this particular content management system are oftentimes what make it so easy to use. A whole series of themes have been developed around the concept of making it possible to Tumblog on the WordPress platform. These encourage the same short snippets of information, pictures, multimedia content and so forth that have become so popular on the Tumblr platform.

With these themes, the difference between how a WordPress theme looks and how it’s content is presented and how a Tumblr theme looks and how it’s content presented can be quite negligible. A great deal of the difference comes down to the network on which the blogger is trying to reach out to their audience. If you're using premium WordPress themes , they may have additional documentation that provides you with instructions as to how to use their specialized features.


Tumblr essentially provides users with everything they need to get set up and running with their own blog without requiring them to do any heavy lifting. The sign-up process is no more difficult than signing up for most free email accounts or other web services.

Tumblr users can choose from a variety of different themes that they can apply to their pages, which control the presentation of the content. This allows users to optimize their blog’s theme to present the type of content that they are most likely to post in the most attractive way possible.

Tumblr charges nothing for putting up a blog on their service. Users are given a URL in the format, which may not be quite as good for search engine optimization purposes as having one’s own domain, but which still does network the blog in question in with one of the biggest websites going.

For users, the principal downside to this platform is the fact that they have very little control over the website itself. The content is displayed, stored, and hosted by Tumblr. In exchange for the free hosting, the user has no real control over what they put up on the Internet. Even though Tumblr has been very hands-off with the content that people post, there’s no real guarantee that a user, for example, would be able to recover all of the work they put into their Tumblr blog if the site were to disappear.


WordPress is a very easy-to-use platform, but it does require that the user has their own web space to get it set up and running. does provide hosting, and a WordPress blog can be hosted on just about any web hosting service out there, many of which already have the platform integrated into their servers, requiring nothing more than going through a wizard to set it up for users.

WordPress remains very dominant on the Internet, but it lacks some of the social networking features that people tend to gravitate towards on Tumblr. In addition to this, WordPress users are required to take care of their website, maintain their content management system installation and do all of the other web hosting tasks that go along with being a webmaster on their own.

Every blogger is looking for viewers. If you happen to get a lot of viewers on Tumblr, you’re not responsible for the extra load on their servers. The same is not true if you happen to be running a WordPress blog. If your WordPress blog should become one of the most popular destinations on the Internet, you’re going to find yourself exceeding bandwidth limitations and having to make accommodations for that heavy traffic.

With tumblogging features integrated into a WordPress theme, WordPress users can get the basic experience and basic look of Tumblr. Tumblr, however, has carved out a niche for itself among users who do not want to go through the process of maintaining their own website.

About author
Anny Solway is a dedicated writer at ThemeFuse – a web studio that creates original WordPress templates, that can be used out of the box. She loves to share blogging and technology  tips.

Top Six Mobile Apps For Doing Social Media Marketing

Today most mobile applications have emerged with an intention of making life easier for users by providing useful solutions that allow them to effectively tackle their everyday problems. In this context, marketing through social media has not lagged behind and there are several different mobile apps useful in facilitating this process.

If you are an administrator of social media or just want to manage your accounts on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube and more from a single platform, here are six applications that you can use from the desktop of your PC, via the web or from your smartphone. This ease of access may allow you to increase your followers and make social media marketing campaigns successful.

So, here are six mobile apps that can be a life saver while doing social media marketing:

1. Google Currents

This app is useful for improving marketing activities and finding content, for creating unique and personalized sales and organizing various sources of information on the web. It also identifies the news or publications that are a trend at any given time on specific topics which can be shared across different social networks to generate interest and participation from the audience.

This app is advantageous because of its ability to take care of finding the content to be shared leaving you with enough time to engage in interaction with your customers.

2. Flipboard

Besides functioning as a content search tool, it also allows the profiles on major social networks like Facebook , Twitter or LinkedIn to connect to each other and enables managing and sharing content in all profiles from a single application.

Thus, it presents a way to quickly check the reactions from the audience towards a publication, thereby allowing users to keep a check on the feelings and reputation that they generated online.

3. Postling

Today it is necessary for brands to have a fresh, dynamic and updated blog for reaching consumers. In this sense, this mobile application allows you to create content that can be posted directly on a specific blog from the app itself, with an option to add almost anything and customizing it to suit the dynamics of each blog. This negates the necessity of sitting in front of your computer for carrying out updates to your social media marketing campaigns.

4. Buffer

To schedule your tweets or Facebook updates, you can use Buffer so that your followers can see updates at different times allowing you to reach more contacts. Buffer is free for a certain number of tweets, however if your contacts are in thousands then you can opt for the paid version to add other team members and enjoy unlimited tweets. You can integrate Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter with this app.

5. Hoosuite

Hoosuite is a platform for managing social media marketing on large websites with high traffic, however with the free version, you can have Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Flickr and Tumblr at your disposal while operating from a single panel. If you need statistics to track campaigns, you have the possibility of hiring a Pro plan for $ 5 a month. This would enable you to carry out activities on the new social network Google+ also. It is compatible with Android, BlackBerry and iPhone platforms.

6. Digsby

Digsby is popularly known as a multi-protocol chat client like MSN, Yahoo, AIM, ICQ, Google Talk, Jabber, and Facebook Chat but here you can also view and send updates to your Twitter, Facebook, MySpace and LinkedIn accounts. Digsby does not have a panel or functions of Hootsuite but is effective in maintaining social media accounts, emails and daily chats.

There are no two ways about the fact that social media has emerged as one of the largest players in the field of marketing. The traditional rules of marketing viz. activity, participation and interaction apply to social media also. This necessitates the social media marketers to remain active on a number of social media platforms continuously to better engage their potential clients and customers.

With these tools to manage social networking accounts of companies, brands or even individuals, you'll get closer to customers or contacts and be able to send timely updates from one place. This can really be a big boon for all those who target social media as a marketing platform since these apps provide you much ease of access of all those accounts.

Author Bio:
Jason Smith is an online consultant for ABWE. Jason likes blogging about online strategies that are related to SEO, Content, PPC & Lead generation. In his free time he likes to study about web designing and practice Jiu Jitsu.

Internet Marketing with Pinterest

Pintertest! If you are new to this word, you might wonder what it is all about. Well, it is just another social media site with interesting ‘pinboards’ allowing you to build business relationships with the huge number of population who visit the site regularly. Pinterest is all about visuals where you will have to pin unique images on your pinboard. Specifically, it is like the boards at office or home where you pin pictures, cards, scenery, motivating phrases, goals, schedules, etc.

How to create an account with Pinterest?

Registering an account with Pinterest is a simple process. You can create your account using the email address and also connect with other social media sites like Facebook and Twitter. Once the account is created, setup a gravatar image and build your profile. The next important step involved in Pinterest is creating ‘pinboards.’ Your account comes with default blank pinboards, which can be converted into boards with a definite theme and title. Additionally, new ones can also be created when required.

Why should one pin contents in Pinterest?
  • Social media is all about sharing anything that is pleasing to the eyes and informative. A regular user can pin images that are unique and interesting. They are the main resources who help in promoting internet marketing.
  • If you are an internet marketer Pinterest can be effectively used to build backlinks for your site. This helps you to build your brand, relationships and audience.

A few rules that will help you to achieve great success in Pinterest Internet Marketing
  • The golden rule is to include the ‘Pin It’ button on your website even if you do not have a Pinterest account. Your customers involved with Pinterest will play a major role in promoting your product.
  • Post visually appealing material in the center and in front. Keep in mind that Pinterest is all about pictures.
  • Do not always post pictures related to your product. Widen your thoughts and pin pictures that provide customers innovative ideas to use your service or product. This will encourage them to purchase your product and promote it.
  • Use other sites and channels to promote Pinterest boards. Facebook, Twitter, blog, website and other means can be used for the same.
  • The ‘About’ section in your profile plays a major role in creating an impression in the minds of a customer. This section should clearly relate to your product or brand. It should impress the customer by providing a brief summary about your product.
  • As a rule, include your website URL (correct one) along with the Pinterest profile. This will help the readers to follow you on your site. Most businesses forget this and end up losing potential readers and customers.
  • Frequently post or pin contents and images in your account. Do not increase your activity on a particular day and remain idle on other days. Maintain a standard schedule so that readers anticipate the next image or content. (Try to keep up to your promise at all times)
  • Titles of your pinboard are the first to catch the attention of a reader. Catchy, short titles add to the interest of readers and make it go viral.
  • Include images to the contents in your website. These images can in turn be used in Pinterest to create awareness about the post and product. Most important of all, is that the images must be capable enough to convey the message related to your product or service.
  • For individualization and security of images, you can use watermarks. Watermarks need to be classy so they don’t affect the quality and attraction of an image.
  • Short descriptions and keywords related to your business can be added to the images on the pinboard.
  • Last, but not the least, engage with others on Pinterest. Like, re-pin and follow their pinboards and the favor will be returned to you.

You can also try adding price tags to certain images on your pinboard. Similar to any other type of online marketing, Pinterest will also take its time to produce positive results. Implement unique strategies each time for better results. It is equally important to spend ample time on Pinterest each day especially when you are in the initial stages of Pinterest Internet Marketing.

This is a guest post by Sharon Thomas of - a site that offers savings and current information on dish network internet, as well as services.                

Sunday, 17 February 2013

Digital Marketing with StumbleUpon

As one of the products of the ensuing social media revolution, StumbleUpon is a popular content discovery engine that helps users find new content based on their interests. With more than 25 million registered users and close to one billion stumbles every month, StumbleUpon has joined the elite list of fastest growing social media websites. The website helps registered users find new web content, while also recommending content based on user interests. The website sources out recommended content based on user interests using social networking and peer-sourcing techniques. Users can make new friends and build relationships on the network.

Launched in 2001, StumbleUpon was founded by Geoff Smith, Garrett Camp, Eric Boyd and Justin LaFrance. The website was developed using the concept of collaborative filtering to link similar web users on a single platform. Users can rate web pages, update personal profiles and build peer networks connected by common interests. The website coordinates distribution of content, so that users stumble on web pages recommended by members in their peer network.

Getting Started with StumbleUpon

To become a member, you have to sign up with the website using a valid email address or sign-up using your Facebook account. Once your email address is confirmed and activated, you can start stumbling. Upon sign-up and activation, you will be required to select interests based related to which you would like to discover web pages. Once you have signed in, you can start Stumbling by clicking the Stumble button on the top left corner of the web page. Users can rate a web page by clicking ‘thumbs up’ or ‘thumbs down’. In addition, users can stumble upon content related to their interests.

Users can make the most of toolbar versions to start stumbling. Stumble Upon has launched toolbar versions for popular web browsers like Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Safari and Opera. For the benefit of mobile users, StumbleUpon has released mobile apps that are available in Android and iOS mobile platforms.

StumbleUpon for Digital Marketing

As one of the popular social voting and bookmarking websites on the web, StumbleUpon can help businesses promote their brand, while generating traffic to their website. Registered users can submit URLs to web pages based on their interests, while categorizing them with keywords known as tags. Once your business is registered with StumbleUpon, you can find target audience by filtering out users based on interests. As a business, you can post promotions, advertisements and deals, and promote them to members who have selected your business niche as their interest.

On the flip side, the website is built in such a way that it detects content related to user preferences and serves up exclusive web pages that match potential interests. By this means businesses can reach out to their target audience and get to know about the reception of a particular product or service. In addition, StumbleUpon helps businesses build the exposure of a website or brand, while enabling the business to establish a follower base.

The website helps drive traffic to your business website, which helps gain backlinks from visitors that boost search engine rankings. Businesses can make the most of paid promotions on StumbleUpon. Paid promotions helps businesses reach out directly to their target audience. For this purpose, businesses can purchase StumbleUpon Ads that are priced for every targeted user. With paid promotions, businesses can get valuable feedbacks and suggestions on web pages, products and brands, as users get to rate every web page.

The bottom line is that with the ensuing social media revolution raring to go, rapidly growing social media websites like StumbleUpon can yield desired benefits when included as part of your digital marketing campaign.

Tanya Hansen, a freelance writer for – offers full home security to help protect your family, assets from burglary and other crimes. Home SecurityCompanies

Friday, 15 February 2013

Author image in google search results for blogger

author image in google search results for blogger

Google authorship programme 

Google Authorship helps authors establish authority on SERPs through the content they write

First of all, below points are to be compulsory

  • A your own blog or website
  • A Google Plus Account
  • An About Me page on your blog.

if "about page" is already present in existing site or blog then need not to be worry but author link should be present there

if you made above points succesfully , then follow below steps
On your website or blog add this link,

  rel="author" target="_blank"> follow me on Google+

1) Replace GOOGLE+ ID with your Google plus id. You can get your Google Plus ID by going to your Google Plus profile page

2) Next go to your About Me page and add this link anywhere you want,

3) Now go to your G+ profile and click the “Edit Profile” button
     Then click on the "LINKS"
     Add your Blog/site homepage URL and also the URL of your About page.

4) Finally Save your profile and you are almost done.  

lastly check this link to verified if it done properly

it will shown like this

seo freelancer india

@ seo freelancer

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Social media for corporate clients, and how to make it work

For many people, the idea of managing social media for a corporate client or brand – is a nightmare. Unlike creative and casual brands – the corporate side of things can be pretty daunting – as there seems to be so much more regulation and much stricter rules surrounding communication and publication.

We’ve all heard the horror stories surrounding corporate social media gone wrong – and we’ve seen brands and business fall because of it. Take a look at the recent Appleby’s fiasco – and you’ll start to understand what and incredibly daunting task corporate social media can be. There is a lots we can learn from disasters like this though, and believe it or not – corporate social media needn’t be as scary and as confusing as it initially may seem.

As with any other kind of social account – the key is to understanding your audience and understanding the brand too. Once you’re familiar with these aspects, you’re half way there. Here I’ve tried to outline a few tips to make the process easier:

1.     Understand your focus and voice

Every brand and business has a distinct voice and aim – and these both need to be identified and practiced before going any further. Sit your client down and discuss what they’re expecting from the social media accounts – and what their aims and what their voice is. Talking to them should give you an idea of this anyway – but it’s always great to get them talking about the voice and how they want their brand to be communicating. You also need to discuss what is a “no go” – what don’t they want to see on their social profiles? By highlighting the don’t this early on – it stops you tripping over later in the process when something is published or shared that they disagree with or that doesn’t comply with their regulations. Be thorough with this, and make lists – it sounds strict, but with corporate clients – you often have to be strict with outlines and guidelines as a means of protecting both yourself and the client.

2.     Schedule updates where possible

For many corporate brands, the idea of sporadic and spontaneous updates fills them with dread – as this is often where mistakes are made. If your client likes control – then offer it to them. There are loads of tools out there that offers scheduling functions for social media (Buffer being one of the most popular at the moment). This means you can schedule updates weeks (even months) ahead of time, which then allows them all to be sense checked by someone from client side. Having a double-checking system like this ensures that anything a bit un-fitting to the brand usually gets filtered out at some point, preventing any unfortunate mishaps that could potentially offend or confuse anyone.

3.     Interact with other businesses and brands

Social media is all about (you guessed it) being social. Because of this you need to identify brands and businesses you want to interact with. It’s good to actively promote others whilst on social media (and for corporate brands, it stops them looking too detached and removed – which is good).  Of course, you won’t want to be promoting any of your direct competitors, as the corporate world is a competitive one– so don’t be foolish here!

4.     Choose an appropriate platform

There are plenty of social media platforms you can choose from when it comes to social media marketing – so try not jump on the bandwagon and join every single one you find. Clever social media is about choosing the right platforms for you and ensuring you’re using them to your full advantage. For most corporate brands, LinkedIn is the safest option – as it’s a network specifically for those in business. So if you’re after a safe option, to ease your clients into social networking, LinkedIn is usually a smart place to start as it’s relatively risk-free. Other networks include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Foursquare, MySpace and YouTube. But again, do your research first and ensure you’re choosing a platform that is the right fit.

5.     Try not to act corporate when communicating

Last (but not least) is the art of communication. Whilst corporate communication is very different from casual communication – you should never talk down to your followers, and you should never reel off any corporate buzz words that have been copied and pasted from some company guidelines. You need to remember that behind every profile is (more often than not) an actual person. If this actual person has taken the time to interact with your brand – you need to show them the same courtesy by giving them a personal reply. One of the mistakes Appleby’s made was copy and pasting the same replies different people – which of course got very annoying (and insulting) very fast. People deserve personal responses – so make sure you give them. 

Elle-Rose Williams is a freelance writer working with Who Is Hosting This, you can find out more about what she’s working on here

How to Create and design SEO-Friendly URL Structure

best seo friendly url structure  :

seo friendly url structure

One of the most basic search engine optimization techniques is in using SEO-friendly URL structures. A good structure can help the indexation process of your website, but, unfortunately, there are plenty of websites that use incorrect, suboptimal URLs. In this article we take a look at the various elements of a URL and how we can create a structure that will help us rank as highly as possible.

Mind File Extensions
URLs that end in .html are favored by search engines. There are exceptions to this so make sure that you know your system well and that it’s friendly with search engine requirements.

Spammy URLs
If you still have certain doubts about your URL, go to a resource like There are spam detection tools that will help weed out things like spam words, and give you tips on hyphens, sub domain depth, domain length and digits. Again, all of this information is freely available online.

Hyphen vs. Underscores
The websites that contain an underscore in their URL are starting to become scarcer. The general belief now is that a user who is doing a Google search for “blue widget” will get better results from than Times change, and these protocols change as well.

Re-writing Your URLs
Lots of URLs that used to contain characters like &, +, =, _, $ and % are being overhauled to include more user- and search engine-friendly forward-slashes. This can get tricky, but there are plenty of tools out there to help facilitate this. Some are free open-source tools, and some are fee-based. The technical term is a “URL Mod-Rewrite” and this can easily be done via the .htaccess file on most servers.

@ seo freelancer

Monday, 11 February 2013

Animation can bring about great changes

2D animation resembles hand drawn animation and its termed as a classical animation. Traditional animation was attractive but it contained very complicated techniques and mostly was hand drawn. Thus they were quite popular but with passage of time, people have learnt the various usage of the computer and they have innovation with modern and unique concept of 2D animation.

During a few decades, 2D animation has rapidly prospering in all kinds of the industrial field, real estate and many others. If there is a presentation in a company, the presenter always wants to make use of the 2D animation as the presentation will be eye catchy and the targeted audience will be not feeling bored. While presenting a presentation, you have keep in mind that the sole image of the company will depend on the presentation.

The presentation has to be presented flawlessly and has to grab the attention of the audience. Before the presentation, you need to remember the points to be highlighted so that the audience will have a fair understanding about the details of the company. Using 2D animation will create the presentation with an artistic touch and sense of creativity.

All the images will be related to the subject matter of the presentation. The experts are highly skilled personnel to have a fair knowledge about the correct usage of the 2D animation so that the presentation will be of rich standard. The presentation will be eye catchy and the audience will be interested to know more about the history of the company or their business nature.

In the field of the real estate, if you are planning to present the presentation of the whole architecture using 2D animation, then it will be captivating to the customers’ and they will get to know the entire model of the construction before its completion by seeing varieties of images and accordingly they can book if they find the model very attractive. If the customer is not happy with any structural pattern, you can immediately alter it and this can be only possible by using 2D animation.

2D animation consists of static as well as rotating images that are highly arresting, striking and eye catchy for the customers’. If you are in need of promoting a product, this 2D animation Company helps in lifting the brand identity of that particular product and it will have a great recognition in the market. Thus the output is also of high standard. The usage of 2D animation helps in enhancing the business, and also several other companies will come to know about your business nature.

But you must get in hold of the designers who are experts in this profession and since they are into this business for a long span of time, they know the requirements of the customers’ the most and will work accordingly. They are very sincere and dedicated towards their work and will do the work smoothly as their main goal is to make you happy. They have high potentiality to do the work and their work is praise worthy.

Saturday, 9 February 2013

The benefits of an on hold phone message for your business

People get bored with listening to music while on hold. To stop them ending their calls, record a good on hold phone message.

It is rightly said that running a business is no mean feat. You need to take care of a lot of things simultaneously and hence the bigger the business is, the more difficult it becomes to handle it alone. Even if you manage to handle your business well, to stay in competition you have to constantly innovate to attract clients or customers. A simple change can make a huge difference to the revenue of your company. For example, getting a website for your company can ensure increased visibility and eventually increased profit through new clients or customer. Hence you see, it is extremely important that you think of all the small details regarding your business and try to innovate to stay ahead of your competitors in attracting clients or customers.

One such small thing that can have a huge impact on your business revenue is what you have as your phone on hold recording. Most businesses have music as their phone on hold and some businesses have nothing whereas some have radio stations tuned in. It has been noted that most businesses spend a lot of time, effort and money on making their phones ring for customer or client enquiry. But it is also a well know fact that most calls are ended by the callers when they are put on hold since no one has the time or interest to listen to some music playing on or some radio station or worse still receive the silent treatment. They would rather call up some other businesses that have something interesting to offer as their phone on hold or provide prompt answering service.

What you can do is record unique on hold phone messages that would describe your company, the products you have to offer, the values of your company and other such things. There are many companies that offer the service of creating unique on hold messages for your business phone. Many businesses that have already incorporated this service have accepted a few facts. Firstly, a well recorded on hold phone message decreases the chance of ending the call while on hold immensely since it successfully holds the attention of the caller. Secondly, many callers express interest in a product that they heard about in the on hold message while calling to enquire about some other product. Thirdly a good on hold message enables the caller to think that the company cares about the caller enough to have recorded an on hold message that would entertain a caller while on hold.

One thing though that you need to remember while incorporating an on call phone message in your business phone is that the message should be interesting. If a caller loses interest listening to your message and ends the call halfway, your reason for incorporating the service would remain unfulfilled. Hence make sure you give the task to a company that is well experienced in this field and has a good feedback from companies who have already used their services. 

The Importance of Utilizing Social Media

With today’s technological advancements, facing social media is inevitable. Although there is many social media modules that assist businesses earn attention, Facebook and Twitter are two crucial social media platforms that are key to making a business prevail and overcome the challenge of customer awareness. Facebook and Twitter are changing the way that companies interact with their users and how they sponsor their business. These tools cost nothing, and are able to reach millions into their trade, which is why it is vital to use them to their full potential.

The dynamics of Facebook make it critical to be used by any business hoping to achieve popularity and any sort of recognition. This year Facebook reached its billionth user. With such an incredible user base number, numbers alone show how important it is to spread the word of any given business on one of the most prevalent social media sites. There are more than 4 million active company Fan Pages on Facebook, and more than 25 million people “fans” of these pages. Having a strong presence gives you the opportunity to communicate and have access to the one billion plus users. Word of mouth is very powerful in the marketing world and Facebook is the key to accessing this powerful marketing technique.

Because Facebook is one of the most significant platforms in the social media world, it is able to take brand awareness to the next step in so many applicable ways. For starters, Facebook allows a company’s logo to be exceptionally visible. Not only is a chosen image always available for company’s profile picture, but there is also a large area for a “cover photo.” The cover photo takes up a large portion at the top of the Facebook page, which allows for the business to choose an eye-catching image to represent their company.

Facebook allows for businesses to share news about their company to all of their “friends” and/or “fans.” Both “fans” and “friends” are prompted of the businesses existence by their news or status updates and their interactions with other Facebook users. Posting such statuses are immediately prompted to all followers newsfeed, which results in getting the user involved in the company’s virtual life. When users see their friends interacting with a business, its automatic advertisement for your business. Facebook allows for free announcements by recommending a market to their Facebook friends. Not only does Facebook allow for the consumers to get involved with the company’s posts or updates, but also the company can respond to their followers.  Customer Service Representatives can quickly respond to both positive and negative comments or concerns those clients may post. At any rate a business plans to use Facebook; they will be taking care of a large aspect of Customer Service with this reaction system.

The word of mouth aspect goes even farther with Facebook’s check-in option. All users are able to “check-in” at a location they are at. This feature gives businesses the advantage to allow their customers to advertise their location from home or from mobile apps on the go. Businesses can use this feature even further and encourage consumers to “check-in” by offering a “check-in deal.” To encourage people to use this tool, a “check-in deal” can be implemented and can be used to give a particular offer to any customer that checks-in during their visit. A customer will be pleased to receive a deal while the business is benefiting from the marketing and advertisement they are achieving by their visitors.

With so many users and engagement, running a business’s Facebook and social media platforms requires much attention. Facebook allows for a formation of customized tabs that connect to other social media platforms, like Twitter. Twitter has evolved into a “must-have” social media platform for businesses in a wide-array of industries. It allows for companies and individuals to unite and communicate information with each other. With millions of tweets running through the web daily, neglecting Twitter for your business has no benefits.

Twitter allows for 140 characters to answer the question, “What are you doing?” in which their followers can see on their Twitter homepage. The Twitter interactions can be viewed on the Internet, through computers and mobile devices. Not only do businesses keep track and generate their own tweets, but also it is crucial to reply, “Retweet,” and uphold a suitable “following to follower” relation for superior optimization. Twitter’s unique form of communication is what makes it so vital in promoting and branding any business at no cost at all.

Twitter has evolved into a daily routine where people do not go a day without checking their Twitter feed or submitting a post.  If a business has affected a customer in any way, good or bad, chances are they will hear about it on Twitter. This leads to customer feedback and customer connections. Customer’s comments give input on how one can improve their customer service and future business plans.  The engagement that this customer connection leads to can eventually lead to brand loyalty. Helping customers and engaging with them directly on Twitter leads to loyalty to a brand and connections on future Twitter posts.

Twitter allows users to post hashtags, indicated by a number sign (#), to publicize just about anything. The hashtag is followed by a phrase or word to execute a variety of social media functions. This marketing tactic helps market a business at no cost at all by simply “hashtagging” their business, for example: #nexdayflyers. This expands the chance for Twitter users to find your business or specific tweet.

Twitter has many ways to use and experience the website. Your business can use the site through many applications available on smart phones, apps, and even text messaging. There is API integration for programmatic advances to mechanically indicate tweets that have specific keywords. This allows companies to observe and supervise what is being posted, obtain information on connections, and monitor specific patters. The traffic can then link directly to the company’s site and hopefully increase returns.

It is evident that platforms such as Facebook and Twitter lead to a definite increase in flow of users, followers, fan, and in the end – consumers. With the assistance of Twitter and Facebook, businesses have an advantage to get their name out quickly and at low cost directly to the public. 

Author Bio: Parissa Amerinouri is an Internet marketer for NextDayFlyers, a leading source for online printing services. She enjoys social media, marketing, and travel. 

Friday, 8 February 2013

Top Ten SEO Tools of 2013

Sometimes a well-designed website that has the quality content is not just enough to divert traffic. What the website needs is a good Search Engine Optimization (SEO) tool. A reliable SEO tool will go a long way in successfully diverting traffic to your website. Here’s a list of the top ten SEO tools of 2013.

1.       SEOmoz
SEOmoz is regarded as one of the best SEO suites by many of its users. This software has all that is required to maximize the SEO process. This suite has a lot of user-friendly helpful tools. This is one of the advantages of SEOmoz. What this tool lacks is a report template. As a user you will have to build one from scratch.

2.       HubSpot
If you wish to keep track of the minute SEO details about your business website then HubSpot is the tool that you need to use. This software helps you do almost everything that is related to SEO. This is one of the best tools for analyzing information about the quality and quantity of traffic that is generated to your business website to creating content for website. The keyword research capabilities of this tool are rather weak.

3.       Web CEO
This tool is widely being used because of its ability to suggest relevant keywords for the particular niche. This is an ideal tool that can be used by anyone who wishes to make their website SEO friendly. Depending on the niche of the website this tool provides a list of keywords that can possibly be used. Web CEO also provides traffic estimates.

4.       Raven Tools
If you are looking for an all-in-one SEO solution, Raven Tools is your one-stop solution. This tool gives its users the opportunity to manage keyword research, link building, social media and competitor analytics and report generation all in one place.

5.       SEO PowerSuite
This is one of the most reliable and powerful SEO keyword research tools that is available in the market. This software comes with different applications that perform specific functions. You can use features like Rank Tracker, Link Assistant and SEO Spyglass among others with this tool.

6.       SEMRush
This is one of the most widely used SEO tools to analyze pay-per-click advertising competition. However, competitive keyword research tool that comes with this software will catch your attention. SEMRush also has the ability to provide you with a detailed report of every single back link that you have created for your website.

7.       DIYSEO
DIYSEO is a Do It Yourself SEO. As its name suggests this tool is an action oriented SEO tool that can be used by almost anyone. If you have little or no knowledge about SEO, you will find this software more than just user-friendly. This tool presents its user with a set of results. You do not have to dig for results while using this software. Additionally, DIYSEO also provides recommendations that a user can adopt in order to improve website ranking.

8.       Traffic Travis
This is one of the best tools highly recommended for amateur webmasters. Traffic Travis provides its users with a good range of research tools to analyze keywords. If you are on the lookout for a tool that helps you carry out your SEO activities the hassle-free way, you can consider using Traffic Travis.

9.       Market Samurai
In a nutshell Market Samurai is a keyword oriented SEO tool. It does more than just finding keyword variations for your root keyword. This tool also…
  • ·         Gives you an idea about what keyword to use.
  • ·         Find the ranking for your keyword.
  • ·         Tells you where you can find the right content for your keyword.
  • ·         Educates you on how you can purchase the domain name for your keywords.

When you use this tool you will have to put up with stability issues that this software comes with. However, this tool is simply superb with keywords.

10.   Advance Web Ranking
The interface of Advance Web Ranking is clean and attractive at the same time. This tool offers great readability in form of its grid and colored lines that it uses to display data. This software also provides its users with the option to configure and customize layouts.
You can take advantage of any of the SEO tools that you are comfortable using.

This is a guest post is brought to you by Samantha Kirk, a writer for AT&T UVerse. Samantha provides up to date content and information for AT&T.